Profile Picturekomenymoka

Txt Color Palette, ffx

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Automatically create text color palettes based on a single master color, with the option to tweak them as needed.

Start by creating your palette using either 'txt color palette' or 'txt color palette (manual)' preset. The difference is simple: with the manual option, you add your colors individually, while with 'txt color palette', you only need to add one color, and the rest will be calculated for you.

You can adjust the palette by tweaking the brightness steps. Entering a negative value will make the subsequent colors darker.

To assign a color to your text, apply the 'txt color' preset and select an option from the dropdown menu. If you make any changes to the palette, your text layers will update automatically.

Note: These presets have been designed specifically for text, but can be used for other layers as well.

Compatibility: CC 2024 and newer English versions. (I haven't tried it on older ones.)

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Txt Color Palette, ffx

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